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1. Jokes Collection 1
2. Jokes Collection 2
3. Jokes Collection 3
4. Jokes Collection 4
5. Jokes Collection 5
6. Jokes Collection 6
7. Jokes Collection 7
8. Jokes Collection 8
9. Jokes Collection 9
10. Jokes Collection 10
11. Jokes Collection 11
12. Jokes Collection 12
13. Pelesetan 1
14. Pelesetan 2
15. In the Dark
16. Tiga Orang Sial di Neraka
17. President with an IQ below 100
18. Tip Menghindari Tilang
19. Jokes for Job Hunter
20. Kerajaan Nikotin
22. The Two Immutable Law of Goblok
23. The Five Secrets of a Perfect Relationship
24. Dawet
25. Berbagai Macam Boker
27. Funny Equations
28. Klinik Cewek
29. What is Marketing?
30. Black & Colour
31. Head Shape
32. How Technology Can Change People
33. Mysterious Person
34. Microsoft Wendao No-Cheng
35. Saya Sudah Tau Semuanya ...
36. Beda Istilah
37. Classic Definitions & Cool Meanings
38. Tacky Pick Up Line
39. New Words in Oxford Dictionary!
40. Ketelitian
41. Jokes Collection 13
42. Don't Ever Lie to A Child
43. Rahasia Umur Sapi, Monyet, Anjing dan Kita
44. Numbers
45. Lomba Lari
46. Asshole And Brain
47. How to Teach Women to Save Money
48. A Little Story about Bill Gates
49. Car Camourflage
50. How to handle office conflicts
51. Kelas Bahasa Indonesia
52. Sejarah Teknologi Komunikasi
53. Married Life
54. Jokes Collection 14
55. Interesting Scrambled Words
56. Special Price Tiket Pesawat untuk lebaran dan Cargo shipment
57. The Right Person for the Right Chair
58. Defining Bra Sizes
59. Kendaraan di surga
60. Jokes Collection 15
61. Answering Machine Answers
62. A matter of 100 years difference
63. Cerita Hantu dari negeri Jiran
64. Letter to Bush
65. Tips Naik Taksi & Bajaj
66. Miscarriage
67. How to ask salary increase to your Boss
68. Hal2 Yang Dapat Membatalkan Puasa
69. Can you answer these riddles?
70. Cartoon Joke
71. What do lawyers ask in the court of justice?
72. Teory of Friend
73. Why men like to lie
74. What's the difference
75. Jokes Collection 16
76. Jokes Collection 17
77. Jokes Collection 18
78. But what then, Senor
79. A soulful relationship
80. Corporate Culture
81. Delivery pizza ditaun 2020
82. Jokes Collection 19
83. Words Women use
84. Jokes Collection 20
85. Angka Vs Huruf
86. Computer Gender Wars
87. Peluang Bisnis
88. Buat yang bosan hidup
89. Jokes Collection 21
90. Count your blessing
91. Co-incidence?
92. English vs Bahasa
93. Gubrak
94. Perbedaan antara Pria dan Cowok
95. sama saja
96. Membocorkan rahasia negara
97. 3 org pendeta
98. Gak Boleh Pesawat ya Kereta
99. Kumpulan Humoris
100. Jin dan 3 manusia
101. Tiga Polisi yang Baik
102. Kuli dan Kyai
103. “Gitu Saja kok… “
104. Gus Dur Beli Pesawat
105. Beda Pria dengan Cowok
106. Kebesaran PM Churcill
107. Menebak usia Mumi
108. Sengatan Lebah
109. Melawan Lasio
110. Father's Day Jokes
111. Millitary Joke 01
112. Don't judge before you read the whole story
113. Cerita anak sekolah minggu
114. Crazy Singaporean
115. The Life & Times of Kok Beng, The Crazy Singaporean!
116. Nama2 bagus dlm bahasa jepang..
117. Yuk belajar bahasa korea..
118. Bola Hitam dan Bola Putih
119. Lampu merah
120. Cerita lucu by Kodompet
121. Cerita basi dari kodompet
122. About the Girls
123. Nasihat untuk para cowok yang masih jomblo
124. Jokes Collection 22
125. Nenek-Nenek Yang Menderita
126. Joke From Flamedr460n
127. Bill Gates's son-in-law
128. Philosophy of the Stock Market
129. Italian Girl
131. It's Ah Beng Again!
132. haLo..
133. Who Slaps Mahathir
134. Never laugh at a Chinese!
135. Surat Dari Suami
137. Telp untuk Chow Yun-fat
138. THR Jokes
139. Jika Penjual Buah pacaran dengan Tukang Sayur
140. The Beauty of mathematics and the Love of God
141. Hati-Hati nepuk pundak supir taksi
142. Anak Nyamuk Belajar Terbang
143. Blind Girl

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